
Project Name

Calgary Vital Signs: Grader Survey Report

The Calgary Foundation
Project Type
Survey research
2007 to Present

Praxis Research has conducted the Calgary Vital Signs study, annually, for The Calgary Foundation since 2007. The study is an annual check-up, which measures the vitality of Calgary, identifies significant trends, and assigns grades to areas critical to the quality of life in the city. Vital Signs is intended to be a catalyst for community awareness, dialogue and action. Also, the study serves as a tool for The Calgary Foundation to help strengthen its role in the community and assist its efforts to become a more responsive grantor.

The survey design includes both quantitative (scale) and qualitative (comment) question types using 12 issue areas provided by The Calgary Foundation. Praxis delivered the survey in two formats: online and random telephone. The online survey captured a self-selected respondent population. The telephone survey provided a random selection of Calgary residents. Registration for the online survey was open to anyone. Awareness about the survey was generated through various means including the news media. Registering generated a unique password for each user allowing him/her to access the survey at a future time if desired.

Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS, while qualitative data were analyzed using SONAR software. Based on this analysis Praxis Research prepared a final report of findings for both the online and the random telephone survey for The Calgary Foundation.

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